Week 107 – Oreos with Orion Acaba
Week 107
Oreos with Orion Acaba
Orion Acaba is an LA based actor and martial artist. He and Misty Lee have worked together in several games, including Just Cause 4 (in which Orion played the lead, Rico Rodriguez). If you listen closely, you’ll hear his voice all over TV and in your games!
Orion visits today and explains something important to him – Kung Fu – and then Misty pulls out the Oreos and gets it all wrong.
Want to find out what happened behind the scenes on these, how Misty feels about them (and the guests!), and how we DO these tricks? Sign up for the Unicorn Rodeo!
Shot on location at the Magic Castle in Hollywood, CA by Bizzaro.
Special thanks to the brilliant Bizzaro, Liz, Bryan, Lennon, James, and of course the delightful Orion Acaba!