Week 82 – The Creepy Teacup
Week 82
The Creepy Teacup
We’ve all been telling Misty that Halloween is over, but she refuses to believe it so she compromised and let us light this creepy trick with Christmas Colors, so now she can say it’s ‘Nightmare Before Christmas’ themed. *eyeroll * Whatever, Misty. Maybe next week’s trick won’t be a creeper (here’s hoping).
Special thanks to Liz from Carrion Creations, who made this creepy teacup. You can find more of her beautiful, disturbing, magnificently handmade art here: https://carrioncreations.com/
Misty Lee is a female magician based in Los Angeles. She has performed the Houdini Séances at Hollywood’s Magic Castle, and has been collecting creepy things since she was a very little girl. You can learn more about her here: https://www.mistylee.com
Unicorn Wednesday is a weekly magic series conceived by Misty Lee and magician/inventor Bizzaro. A new trick is released every week. See more episodes and enjoy our online activities by subscribing and enjoying our playlists!
Bizzaro and Misty often magic consult for private clients. If you are interested in hiring them, please contact them via the contact form on the very bottom of the page at our website: www.unicornwednesday.com/
Shot on location at Mad Little Raven Studios in Glendale, CA by Bizzaro.
Special thanks to the brilliant Bizzaro, Liz, Lennon, Bryan, James, and Alex.